And he only loves the lillies because she loves them..August 30, 2010 prev/next

i think of your name, i blink my lashes shut and squeeze them closed and this song makes an entire scene play out in my head, paint itself through my eyes. in watercolors, in acrylics.

and there i am. there i am in my jeans and a tee walking up that ramp to our favorite cafe. it's raining and i see your blue eyes sitting there inside the window biting your lip like you always do. you see me and smile.

blink. pause. my favorite memory. there you are at my door. your wearing an outfit i dont recognize. jeans; a light brown sweater. you pull a bouquet of my favorite flowers from behind your back. lillies. you never forgot my birthday.

i blink my eyes open. the word "smile" on a white piece of paper flashes through my lyrics. new chords. blink my eyes shut again and there i am on your street. walking through the rain. there you are. always beside me. my whole mind is in watercolor paints, swirling and twirling into each other, melting and dripping

there's his smiling face talking so excitedly about his new school. theres me. i smile and nod. im happy for you. click. this canvas is red. Blood is painted on my hands, my clothes. you choke me with your dying screams.

i shiver. blink. you melt away. i melt away. my eyes are open and i'm sitting here on this bed. in my "home" my life. a river of tears flow down my cheeks.

today marks the 6th year since you passed. why are these memories still so haunting, so raw.

i miss you..
