newsflashAugust 19, 2010 prev/next

the blunt overview of my life in this very second:

everyone in the house sleeping. perfect silence.

i am madly in love with a man who makes my life brighter with every second

i feel like i lost my best friend and it hurts like hell

my hair smells like a rainforest and is still wet, dancing madly around my head

and the best part of all is this smile has permanently lodged itself onto my face. some moments it takes breaks to sleep for a minute or two, but for the most part it stays, swinging itself into people's lives, getting bigger every second of the day and flooding out laughter with every step i walk. i'm in love with a man i've loved for years, i'm in love with walking, breathing, even occasionally eating, and my mind is whispering to

never let it stop

never let it stop

the sun's shining a bright yellow today, the birds are chirping, and in a month all the leaves will have quilted the ground in orange, yellow, red.brown.

and we'll dance down the autumn streets like they're endless, kiss in the cold nights where we can not only feel, but see each other's breaths,

and this time when i run down every field making snow angels, writing 'have a nice day' or 'smile' with my fingertips on peoples windshields, instead of wishing i was truly that happy, i'll push you in the snow and laugh unmercifully.

my life is everything i've wanted and more
